Please join the Nalandabodhi Connecticut Sangha online for our Sunday morning offerings
- Meditation practice from 9:00 to 9:50 a.m.
- Lojong Discussion happens from 10:00 to 10:30 am.
- Watch our schedule for videos teachings after the Lojong Discussion.
Sunday Meditation and Lojong Discussion is online (Zoom) every Sunday and the first Sunday of each month we are Hybrid (in person and on Zoom). Our shrine room is located at 3 Barnard Lane on the 3rd floor Bloomfield, Connecticut. Entrance to building is at the back parking lot and is elevator accessible. Zoom Login is made available in our weekly email newsletter. Please note that our email newsletters may end up in your Gmail promotions, spam folder or Yahoo Newsletters tab. To receive our newsletter, click here.
To begin our meditation, We start with some chants which express our devotion to following a path of practice, our compassion and loving kindness for sentient beings, and our aspiration to work with and transform our suffering. We practice silent, sitting meditation and you may choose whether it is more comfortable for you on either a cushion or in a chair. If you would like meditation instruction prior to sitting, please e-mail Susan Busby (
Lojong: (Lo = Mind; Jong = Training): Mind training means transforming our attitude, our whole way of thinking and our outlook – entirely. The Seven Points of Mind Training includes fifty-nine pithy and powerful slogans or reminders to help us awaken our hearts in the midst of day-to-day life. Discussing these slogans together helps us explore how we can use everything in our lives – pleasant or painful – to awaken genuine compassion.
After our meditation ends at 9:50 a.m., the Umdze (meditation leader) reads a Mind Training Slogan along with commentary on the slogan. Following a short tea break, we then share our thoughts about how this slogan plays out in our lives and practice. The discussion may end at about 10:25 a.m. to create a short break before any scheduled video starting at 10:30 a.m