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How To Take Crisis As An Opportunity

Every form of disaster, crisis or setback is actually a chance for us to create an opportunity. Some of the most wonderful experiences of realization, realizing the nature of mind, were born out of a crisis in the practitioner’s life.

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How Our Differences Can Make Us Stronger

We live in a multicultural society, with all different kinds of people. People are starting to recognize multiple gender identities, not just male and female, but non-binary, gender-queer and so on. People don’t necessarily belong to just one racial or cultural group either, they may belong to different backgrounds.

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How to Relax in Mindfulness

Sometimes our mindfulness becomes too focused, too squeezed. Squeezed attention, right? When you focus too much on mindfulness, actually that can sometimes be counterproductive.

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Compassion 101

Often when we talk about compassion we ask, “How I can increase my compassion?” And the Buddhist teachings do say that we need to expand our compassion. But practically speaking, we need to increase our resilience and our heedfulness.

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Paramita of the Month: Joyful Diligence

The paramita for April is joyful diligence, sometimes referred to as exertion. This fourth paramita is about setting aside our egoic instincts and needs, experiencing a true, selfless bodhisattva joy when we engage in positive actions without any expectations or a need for self-satisfaction.

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Paramita of the Month: Patience

Patience isn’t the opposite of impatience as one might think. It is the opposite of anger, aggression. As our teachers often remind us, a moment of anger wipes out tonnes of merit.

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